My Story: Why I Started a Master Resell Rights Business

Hey, I'm Summer, and I'm so glad you found this video here today, especially if you're on a journey to create more money freedom in your life. It is my business to help you learn how you can use digital products, and especially the reselling of digital products that have MMR (Master Resell Rights) attached to them, so that you can create more money freedom in your life and create that flexibility you're looking for.

So, to give you a little background about who I am, I want to share a quick snippet of my story, just so you know who you're listening to here and why.

How I Got Started in Entrepreneurship

So I'm a mom of three, ages ten, eight, and five, almost six, and I've been a small business owner for the last 15 years. I own a local pet care company that I started from the ground up 15 years ago.

I was an elementary school teacher, and I was looking for something that I could do on the side to increase our income. My husband was a teacher as well, and we needed more money in our life, to be really honest. And so I was looking for how I could do that.

So I started on the side and I grew from there. Today I still own that company. I am now a true business owner of It, where I employ 15 different ladies that, you know, I pay their pay, their paychecks, which feels really empowering to know that I'm contributing to our city's economy and to providing jobs for those people. So it's really fun to have that as my background and what I still continue to do today.

Taking My Brand Online

But about seven years ago, I felt a call to do more. And I realized that the freedom that having a business and being an entrepreneur had given me is something I wanted to share with others. I've been able to be a stay-at-home mom to my three kids for the past eleven years now, which is honestly the biggest blessing and my ultimate dream ever since I was a little girl.

But I also wanted more and I love the world of entrepreneurship. So, seven years ago decided to transition part of my brand online, and I started mentoring other women who were looking to create additional income in their life outside of whatever they were doing as the main part of their day.

Whether that be being a stay-at-home mom, whether that be a nine-to-five, whatever it was, they were looking to create something outside of that. And so I did that through creating online courses and mentorship and running programs and really helping a bunch of different women in different industries understand how they could take their skills, their unique powers, what they knew in their lives, what they were interested in, and turn that into to additional income for themselves and their families.

And that was highly fulfilling!

Re-Evaluating my Business Model

However, in 2020, we all know what happened then. :)

I kind of took a step back during that time and evaluated what I was looking for in the future. And when I was looking at 5 years, 10 years, 20 years into the future, I needed to sit down and think, what is it that I want my life to look like? What parts of my business do I love and what are my ultimate goals? What am I looking to do with this?

And so when I really got down to it, I looked at it and I said, you know, I love connecting with women, I love being their mentor. I love doing the pieces that put my work out into the world. And sharing my work with others.

But what I didn't like was the creation of the digital courses and the digital programs that I needed to create to be able to share my knowledge. Now, the problem was, that I'm an introvert, and that means I do not want to be having to feel like I need to rely on one-on-one coaching or one-on-one mentorship to be able to keep my income up and keep my business going. That is also not a desire of mine.

So I was kind of in a stuck place. I realized I didn't want to constantly be creating new online courses or digital programs and I didn't constantly want to be doing coaching one-on-one. So where was I at? What was I going to do?

And to be honest, I started looking around. So I looked at a bunch of different business models because I knew how to scale a business, I know how to hire employees if I need to, I know how to outsource, I know how to do these things. So I knew I needed to find a business model that worked for me and what I wanted to see my life look like 10-20 years down the road.

I explored a bunch of things. I looked at small digital products like you would sell on Etsy. I looked on Amazon. FBA, where you're taking products and you're reselling them, basically buying low and selling high on Amazon. I looked at network marketing where you're promoting a product as well as building a team.

And each of those things had pieces that I liked, but there were parts I didn't like to it. I didn't want to grow a team in a network marketing company. I didn't want to feel like with Amazon FBA I was simply churning product, that I wasn't ever making a connection with anybody. I didn't want to on Etsy have to sell 30+ $3 products to make just $100 profit. There were pieces of the businesses that I liked, but there were also things I didn't like. And so I was back to the starting point again, and I still haven't found my thing.

How I Got Started with Master Resell Rights

That's when MMR came around and I fell in love! So now I talk with women about the power of selling a digital product that somebody else has created. It's perfect for me and my skill set because what it's designed to do is it's designed to take a beginner or somebody who wants to build a new income stream, and it takes them step-by-step exactly through how to do that. Now, this is also amazing because throughout my work with women who had an aspiration to be an entrepreneur over the years, one of the biggest issues that I came across was that people had ideas, but they didn't have something actually to sell.

You can have all these amazing ideas, no matter what your industry, whatever your niche is, you can build an audience, you can provide value, you can do all these things….. And the women that I worked with were extremely excited about that and that was great. But when it came down to it, what was the actual offer that they were planning to exchange for money to fulfill someone else's need and provide that value to them?

And when it came down to it, they didn't have that yet. And that's a huge sticking point because when you're talking about a business, there are two primary things you must have. You've got to have an offer and you've got to have an audience. Whatever that offer is, whatever need it fulfills, they have that need and they're willing to pay money to purchase it. ‘

And the issue that we were running up against, especially for new entrepreneurs. Is that they perhaps had the audience. They knew what their need was, they knew the value, but they didn't have the actual offer. They didn't have it packaged up, they didn't have it created, they didn't have something to sell, and they didn't have a business, to be real honest, at that point. So that's why I'm so excited about MMR and my whole world has lit up again. I have found passion again, I have found excitement, I have found a connection.

Why MRR is the Perfect Business Model

I really feel like I’ve found the perfect business model because it's a combination of hands-on and hands-off, which is great for me as an introvert, and really what I want to see myself working towards as I move forward in my business career

Hand-on means I get to do things like this. I get to connect, I get to share, I get to provide value, I get to educate and teach, but it is not the primary revenue driver of my business. Right? It provides value and it increases my audience and it brings people in and it allows us to make a connection. But I am not getting paid per se to get on here and talk with you. Right?

The real revenue driver is the digital course, which is the actual thing that I am offering for revenue for sale. That is a hands-off product for me. It is already set up on a course platform. It already has a community that is moderated by other people. It already is all setup. I don't have to take care of the tech, I don't have to take care of issues that arise that just have to do with like updating videos and all that type of thing. I don't have to do any of that!

And so that allows me my introverted self to spend my energy and my time doing the things that I do love, which is connecting, which is reaching out, which is providing value. And so I'm so excited about MMR. Please ask me if you have any questions, and I look forward to connecting with you more