Don't Start an Master Resell Rights Business... Unless you Believe THIS

Hey, there. I'm Summer. I am so excited that you found this blog post today, especially if you're in a place where you are looking to create more money freedom in your life. So my goal is to help you create that money freedom by selling digital products, and specifically the reselling of digital products that have master resell rights, MMR, attached to them.

So, today I wanted to discuss a little bit about some of the hesitations that I had before I got started with MMR. Because, let's be honest, there are some naysayers out there. There are some people talking. There are some things going around that are really putting down this whole business model. And if you’re not careful, they’ll get to your head….

My Concerns about Master Resell Rights

If you are hesitant and feel like you have some concerns about a Master Resell Rights business, I want to let you know you’re not alone. When I was getting started, I looked at it, and what I really had to think through for myself and figure out was - Is this something that I want my name attached to?

Because I don't just promote anything! I'm not somebody who jumps on the latest fad and decides I’m going to promote it no matter what. That's not a good vibe for me. That’s not something I’m looking to do. My business is my name. And for me to promote something, I have to feel strongly about it.

My Biggest concern about MRR

When I started looking into MMR, there were several things that I wanted to look at. Number one was the actual course itself. I wanted to make sure that it was a product that I could get behind.

If you know anything about sales psychology, you know that if you don't stand behind the product, you're not going to do a good job selling it, right?

I don't care how much energy you try to bring out. I don't care how much good vibes you try to put behind it. If you honestly do not believe in something, you are going to struggle to sell it, because that comes through. That comes through in what you're putting out there.

So I knew that if I wanted to include a course with resell rights attached in my offers, it needed to be something that I wanted to get behind, it had to be a product that I believed in. It needed to be able to get other people results, and I needed to be able to see my own results from it too.

Why I Believe Affiliate Marketing & MRR are the Same

I tie the MMR business model very closely to the affiliate marketing business model. And I know lots of people like to tell you that, “Oh, no. These are completely different.” Now, I agree, they are different in some good ways. But when it gets down to the business model, the real basics of it, I feel very about the same about affiliate marketing, compared to the digital marketing business model using master resell rights course.

Obviously, there ARE differences. With affiliate marketing, you only get a percentage of the sale. You're going to get maybe 25-30% of the sale price, or if it's a smaller product, maybe 50% if the person is very generous with their affiliate structure.

What it Means to Purchase Master Resell Rights

With MMR, the difference is that when you purchase the product, you are purchasing that product, and then you are also purchasing the Master Resell rights that go with it. This means that when you purchase it, you then have the ability if you want to, to sell that course to other people and provide them with the Master Resell rights as well. That means they can then go and additionally sell it if they choose. So in that case, you're getting 100% profit.

And that's a key difference there. Obviously, that's a huge income difference between affiliate marketing and master resell rights marketing.

But when it comes down to it, what are you doing in affiliate marketing?


Ideally, if you're not somebody giving the industry a bad name, you are promoting a product that you have used and loved and that you would naturally share with your best friend because you love it that much, right? I mean, when we get down to it, that is what affiliate marketing should be in the most natural sense.

People love to get recommendations from their best friends, from their neighbors, and even from people on the Internet, right? They like to get recommendations. That's why Amazon spends so much time encouraging people to write reviews. They have videos, they have photos. They encourage people to share their experiences because people want to know how somebody else experienced a product or a service or whatever it is before they spend their hard-earned money.

That's what we do nowadays! We want to know what other people think about it, and especially people that we trust already, right? Our family members, our friends, people that we're connected with in some way, we want that, right? And so that is, at its essence, what affiliate marketing is, right?

It's using a product, using a service, something that you enjoyed, that you got results of, that you would naturally share with your best friend, with your mom, that you would tell them about them, and you're simply getting paid. Right? You're getting a commission for doing that work. Now, with affiliate marketing, obviously, you're being more intentional about it, right?

You're taking the time to go out of your way to maybe post that picture or write that blog article or get on social media on your stories and talk about it, right? So marketing simply means you're being more intentional rather than just talking about it in passing when it happens to come up. So when I look at MMR, I look at it in the same light as affiliate marketing, if you're doing it the right way.


Now, of course, you can have bad apples in the industry, right? In affiliate marketing you can have someone who goes and buys a skincare product, they don't even use it, and they decide they're going to start promoting it. Well, that's not good, right? That's the type of thing that gives the industry a bad name. Maybe they use it and they don't get results or they start breaking out, but they decide they're going to doctor their photos so that they can have those amazing before and afters.

There are so many things you can do nowadays. We know that. We've got to take everything with a grain of salt. But that's what gives the industry a bad name when people decide that they're going to cut corners and they're going to promote things that actually didn't get their results and that they actually don't have a heart behind. Things that they don't actually feel passionate about.

You’ve Got to Believe!

I look at MMR in the same way. If you are going to promote a product, it needs to be something that you believe in, that you believe has the power to help others, and that you've gotten results from. It should be something that you would naturally tell your neighbor, your friend, or your mom about, because you love it that much.

If you can't get behind a product, you have no business promoting it at all. So when I go into something new, and I’m thinking about purchasing an affiliate product that I'm going to consider promoting. Or when I went in to purchase a digital course with master resell rights, I'm not like, “Yeah, I'm buying that because I'm going to promote it and I'm going to make all this money.”

No! I'm thinking about it. I'm evaluating. I am taking action on it myself. I'm creating my own sales process with it. I'm going through the training. I'm going through the steps. I'm seeing what the whole feeling is.

Is this professional? Is this well done? Is this step by step by step? Does this tell me exactly what I need to do? Am I getting stuck? Where are those points? Where? Do I need additional help? Is additional help provided to me? And so…

When you go through something that you're either thinking about promoting as an affiliate or with master resell rights, you've got to go through with a fine tip to comb!

Evaluating MRR products for Yourself

And as you go through it, you've got to ask yourself, “Is this something that my heart is behind?” Is this something that I now want to promote?

If I had bought a course, and I had been like, no, this is not working for me. I do not feel good tying my name to this…. If that had been the case, there is no way that I would be selling it at this point. No Way!

Of course, there will still be those “bad apples.” You are going to have people that say - Yes, I'm buying this and I'm promoting it. And I'm not even going through it. I'm just doing it now.

But I’m telling you, you’ve got to be behind a product to be able to sell it effectively and to feel good tying your name to it.

Do It with the Right Intentions

If you are going to promote anything… if you are thinking about digital marketing with MRR products or if you're thinking about any product that you might consider being an affiliate for, I really hope you go in with the right intention.

You purchase it. You use it to get your own benefit out. You go through the steps. You set it up for yourself. You see - do you get results for yourself? Is it something that you feel like you can tie your name to? And then at that point, if it is awesome, you promote your heart out of it!

You go for it. You go all in. You tell everybody you know about it. I am all behind you 100% at that point! If you can tell me you love something, I say go for it, girl. Promote it. Make your money, and do what you're meant to do.

Got Questions?

Let me know if you have any questions about the digital marketing business model using MRR products. I am here for you!