Master Resell Rights vs. Network Marketing: Are they the same Thing or Different?

Hey, I'm Summer, and I'm so glad you found this blog post today. It is my business to help women create more money freedom in their lives through the selling of digital products online, specifically those with Master Resell Rights (MRR).

Today, want to dive into a topic that I've heard come up a lot recently, and that is looking at the differences between the business model of Master Resell Rights and the business model of network marketing. There can definitely be a fit between the two, but there are also some significant differences, and I want to talk about what those are so that you can decide what business model makes the most sense for you and your brand.

What is Master Resell Rights?

master resell rights vs. network marketing

With Master Resell Rights, you are purchasing a digital product, and that digital product can then be used for yourself, for you to take in the information and learn the information. But then the important thing is that you have gained Master Resell Rights to that product when you bought it.

What that means is that once you've used it however you want to use it, and you've gotten value out of it and gotten results. Then you have the opportunity to resell that product to someone else. And when you resell that product to that person, they also gain those Master Resell Rghts as well.

Which means that once they've gone through it, once they've implemented, once they've gotten value, they then have the opportunity to say, “Hey, I'm going to offer this to someone else because I know the value I got, so let me tell other people about this as well.”

Getting Your Return on Investment (ROI) with MRR

Master Resell Rights is a business model that allows you to get an immediate return on investment on your purchase, which is one of the things, as a business strategist and a business owner of 15 years, I love the most about it. Whenever I buy any type of training or course or digital product that is directly related to my business, I want to make sure that training is going to provide me with an ROI.

So I really love this opportunity because with the course that I'm talking about - The Roadmap, which is a digital marketing course - when somebody buys it and they decide that they feel good about it, and they feel good about putting their name behind it, then they can offer it for sale to someone else.

That's going to be an immediate return on investment on their initial payment. That way they're now “in the black.” So then anything going forward, whether they then use the information to create their own digital product and do their own thing, or if they decide they're going to focus on selling the Roadmap, they're already in profit, and they've gotten that ROI that they were looking for.

So that's what MMR looks like. It looks like purchasing a digital product that you did not create, using that product, and then offering that product to other people, that also then get those master resale rights.

How Does the Network Marketing Business Model Work?

Now, with network marketing, you've got a similar scenario in that you are offering a product that somebody else created, but with MLM’s it's going to be a physical product. Whether that be skincare, whether that be some kind of wellness product, whatever it may be.

You are offering a product that someone else created to another person. So one of the really nice things about that is that is you are not in charge of the distribution, you're not in charge of the creation, you're not in charge of all these little details that can get really bog down your business

And it's the same thing with MMR, where you are offering people this course, and this course is already in a course system. It's already all set up. You don't have to worry about the tech behind it or updating the videos or the information. That is all taken care of by the course creators. So you are simply focused on offering the product, creating value, and selling it.

Key Differences Between Master Resell Rights and Network Marketing

Now, there are some other important differences with MMR and network marketing. With Master Resell Rights, it is a one-time sale. So when you you sell a course with MRR to somebody else, you are getting full profit from that sale.

It doesn't matter if you buy the course from me. I won’t even know that you’ve sold it to someone else, unless you've told me. I get no benefit from that. So once you've bought it from me, that MRR course is yours. You are not connected to me in any way. I'm not your upline. There's none of that. There's no “official” business-connection here.

So anything that you then do with the course you bought and the MRR rights attached to it in the future is your decision. It's your business and you're getting the full profit from that decision. Nothing is trickling back to me.

Whereas in network marketing, in most compensation plans you are “tied” to the person who sold you the product or business opportunity. They are your upline, and when you sell that product to someone else, they are going to get some kind of residual effects and benefits from that.

So when you decide to sell a product to your friend, your upline is basically getting a small percentage of that sale. Because they were the ones that initially brought you in and introduced you to the company. So there's that connection in network marketing where it is a team-type concept and you're getting the effects of the people that come in “under” you.

Building a “Team” vs. 100% Profit

In network marketing, there is also the concept of recruiting other people who want to do the business. That is a key concept that if you actually want to have residual income in network marketing, you can't just offer the products. You've got to build a team of people that are also interested in doing what you do and offering the business to other people.

So that's a key difference there, that you are building that residual income. You are building that money that's going to trickle in when somebody that you've introduced the business to then introduces it to someone else, or sells a product to someone else. You've got that whole network that's building under you, and you are getting that residual income for the work you did once. It's now kind of coming back to you.

Whereas with MRR, when you sell a course you get full 100% profit and your business is not based on anybody else's effort. But once I sell that product to someone, that is my one-time sale. They're not coming back for more products. They're not coming back for other stuff.

Email Marketing for Future Sales

Now, I do have their email, and an email list is a very powerful thing. So if I develop a connection with that person through email, and then I create other products that would benefit that person based on what they need, then sure! I could sell those products to them too! It ultimately depends on your strategy and the connection you've built with your audience.

Email marketing is a powerful tool for maintaining those connections. In fact, I've built my entire business around email marketing, and I highly recommend it. It allows you to stay in touch with your audience, offer them valuable products or services, and nurture those relationships over time.

Which is better - MRR or Network Marketing?

So, as you can see, there are both similarities and differences between the business models of Master Resell Rights (MRR) and network marketing. MRR is more focused on digital products, while network marketing involves physical products and building a team for residual income.

You can certainly explore both options and as you’ve seen each has its own advantages and drawbacks.

If you have any questions or need further guidance on this topic, please don't hesitate to reach out. I'm here to help, and I look forward to seeing you embark on your own digital marketing journey.

~ Summer <3