8 Natural Ways to Boost Your Immune System (that every Mom needs to know)
Many of us are looking for natural ways to boost our immune systems. And it’s a smart move!
While having a strong immune system won’t keep you from getting sick 100% of the time, you CAN help your body to function at full capacity, so that it can do it’s best to stay above the wellness line. Let’s be pro-active in giving our body what it needs to do its job fully!
I’ll be sharing with you 8 natural ways to boost your immune system, that my family and I use every single day, that you can also start implementing today!
How to Implement a Natural Immune Boosting System Quickly
Here’s what I know about boosting your immune system quickly. There is no “silver bullet” or “magic pill” that is suddenly going to fortify you against the outside world.
However, once you started implementing a consistent and daily immune-boosting routine, your results will build up quickly.
And there’s no time to wait around to implement an immune system boosting routine!
It’s YOUR responsibility to ensure you and your family’s immune systems are up to the job of fighting against whatever is thrown at it. Let’s look at how it’s done, the natural way!
8 Natural Ways to Boost Your Immune System
1.Take Care of your Gut.
Your gut is one of the key factors when it comes to your immune system. By adding healthy bacteria into your gut through probiotics, you’re helping your gut to maintain a barrier again pathogenic microbes, as well as to strengthen your immune system by reducing inflammation in your gut.
My favorite way to make sure I get the probiotics I need every day is by drinking “happy juice.” Plus, it has literally changed my life in terms of the energy & focus it gives me.
I know this sounds crazy, I didn’t even believe it would work when I bought it 😬 but I was willing to try it (plus, money back guarantee made it easier for me to say yes!) so that I could maybe feel like myself again.
After just a few days I felt energy that helped me get through the day and WAY more focused, like I could actually get things done while working from home without getting distracted A MILLION times.
If you have been looking for something to help you with these things too, happy juice is on $10 off your first order.
2. Increase your Water Intake.
Keeping your body filled with fluids can have a big impact on your immune system as it helps all the systems in your body to function the best they can. When you’ve got aqua flowing throughout the day, it can help to flush out toxins and waste materials and prevent any type of build-up in your immune system. If your immune system is clogged up with toxins, then it can’t fight against what you need it to!
Water also carries oxygen into our cells, allowing our full body to function properly. A good hydration goal is to drink ½ of your body weight in ounces each day. For example, if you weigh 160lbs, then you’d drink a minimum of 80 ounces of water per day. Pick out a brand-new water bottle for yourself. It will encourage you to use it! My “happy juice” gives me 16-24oz of water (depending on how strong I mix it that day) so that’ s a great start to my water intake.
3. Eat your Greens.
Any type of vegetable is beneficial, but dark green veggies are especially rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants which are needed when you’re working to boost your immune system.
Some great options for consuming these greens in your diet would be spinach (make it into a green smoothie, yum!), broccoli, and brussel sprouts. But even if you are adding more greens into your diet, taking a multi-green supplement is also a great idea, as it adds nutrients from greens typically not available locally (barley grass, bee pollen, kelp, etc.).
4. Make Elderberry Syrup or Gummies.
Elderberries are a food packed with antioxidants, dietary fiber, and Vitamin C. Not only are they nutritious, but they may also fight cold and flu symptoms, support heart health and fight inflammation and infections.
You can make elderberries into an elderberry syrup (that can actually be used on pancakes!), but my favorite is to make elderberry gummies (and the kids love them!)
Here’s where I get my elderberries on Amazon, and I like this simple recipe for my elderberry gummies.
5. Take an Antioxidant Supplement
Antioxidants are substances that may protect your cells against free radicals, which are produced when your body breaks down food or when you're exposed to tobacco smoke or radiation. Basically, your body uses antioxidants to balance free radicals.
While some foods are high in antioxidants (dark chocolate, pecans, blueberries, etc.), adding an antioxidant supplement to your diet is also a smart idea.
6. Wash your Hands and Carry a Safe Sanitizer
It sounds easy, but washing your hands makes a big difference in preventing germs from spreading and entering our bodies. We touch our faces constantly - most of the time without even realizing it - so having a clean slate on our hands makes sense.
Washing your hands with soap, and scrubbing all sides (front, back, fingers, etc.) for a full 20 seconds is your best line of defense. However in those moments when you can’t get to your sink, carrying a safe and effective hand sanitizer (free of parabens, synthetic fragrances, or other toxic ingredients) is also a smart move.
7. Remember to Sleep
It’s another one of those tips that we all “know,” but do how many of us actually think about the importance of getting enough sleep to support our immune system on a daily basis? Sleep affects how we look, feel, and perform daily, and studies have also shown that sleep deprivation suppresses immune system function.
Aim for adding even 30 extra minutes to your regular sleep routine, and when you feel symptoms coming on, don’t forget to give your body the extra sleep it needs to function fully.
8. Increase Vitamin C (but NOT orange juice!)
I’m sure you’ve heard of taking more Vitamin C, which is a great tip because Vitamin C is very supportive of immune health. But unfortunately turning to orange juice as your only form of Vitamin C intake is NOT a good idea.
Even if you buy orange juice with no added sugar, it still contains a large amount of naturally occurring sugar, which suppresses the immune system. Plus OJ isn’t going to give you enough Vitamin C to make that much of a difference. Veggies like broccoli, peppers, and cauliflower are better sources of vitamin C.
But if you’re looking for a larger Vitamin C boost, especially when you feel symptoms coming on, using a Vitamin C supplement may be a better idea.
8. Get Outside!
Sun exposure of at least 10 minutes per day strengthens your immune system by encouraging your body’s production of Vitamin D, which many people are deficient in.
Vitamin D is like a “light switch” for your body because it turns genes and processes on or off that your body needs to stay healthy and boost your immune system. Not to mention the mood-boosting and stress-reducing benefits of getting outside, which helps to let your immune system rest instead of always working to reduce your stress.
If it’s the wintertime or you’re just not able to get outside as much as you’d like, taking a Vitamin D supplement is also a consideration.
And it’s as easy as that!
These 8 natural ways to boost your immune system can easily become a part of your daily routine with just a little effort.
With consistent implementation, you’ll be able to rapidly start seeing the results. It feels amazing to know that you’re doing things to proactively support your health, rather than just relying on reacting to symptoms when they arise.
Getting Started with a More Natural Lifestyle
Being involved in the natural/crunchy world I feel like I often can’t even keep up with all the things I’m supposed to be doing for my and my family’s health. So it’s easy to get overwhelmed and ignore them all 😬
Until I couldn’t anymore.
I knew something needed to change. But I felt stuck in a rut, and couldn’t get my motivation back to make a change. I didn’t like how I was feeling and I kept seeing the people say how much happy juice had helped them so I finally took the leap.
I didn’t even believe it would work when I bought it 😬 but I was willing to try it (plus, money-back guarantee made it easier for me to say yes!) so that I could maybe feel like myself again.
After just a few days I felt energy that helped me get through the day and not feel like I had to sit on the couch while I was supposed to be getting a bunch done working from home! I felt calmer throughout my day, more focused, like I could actually get things done without getting distracted A MILLION times.
If you have been looking for something to help you with these things too, happy juice is truly life-changing (I KNOW it sounds cheesy! I mean it’s just a drink! 😆) It’s worth trying to see if it can help you, and if you don’t like it, their customer service is incredible and will refund you, no questions asked! Plus did I mention it tastes like a Jolly Rancher?! SO GOOD. Makes sticking with drinking it every day so easy.
Can’t hurt to give it a try! Happy juice is on $10 off your first order HERE.
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Try these 8 simple and natural immunesystem boosting tips today to give your family a natural “line of defense” against anything you encounter this winter season. Being proactive in boosting your immune system is one of the best ways to stay healthy!
Disclaimer: The information in this article has been researched and provided by Summer Media, LLC.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information on this site is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please confirm any information obtained from or through this website with other sources, and review all information regarding any medical condition or treatment with your physician. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment because of something you have read on this website.