Join the 21-Day Skin LOVE Challenge!

Welcome to the 21-Day Skin LOVE Challenge!

πŸ’– Helping you uncover the BEST skin of your life, no matter your age. πŸ’–

I’m so excited that you’re here and ready to embark on this SkinLOVE Challenge. Because it truly is a journey! 

I believe with all my heart that no matter your age or your skin type, you can have the BEST skin of your life. πŸ’–

How’s that possible you might say? Because I’ve done it for myself, and I’ve watched hundreds of other women work through the steps that I’ve put together in this challenge to do the same. 

This isn’t about coming out on the other side of 21 days with the fewest wrinkles, the least dark spots, or lines that are less prominent (although all of those are very achievable results if you make a commitment to yourself!).

This is about getting to a place where you can truly say that your skin is a feature that you LOVE about yourself (even if you’ve never experienced that before in your life).

It’s about getting to a place where you feel confident, radiant, and beautiful in your own eyes because you LOVE the person that is looking back at you in the mirror.

It’s a combo of committing to:

  • the outer work (everyday routine, quality active ingredients, lifestyle habits)

  • and the inner work (mindset, beliefs, emotions)

….to create the BEST skin of your life! 

πŸ’– Ready to do this? Register for the 21-Day Challenge now. πŸ’–

It's the best way to stay committed to your Skin LOVE journey!

Want to Know a Little More about the Skin LOVE Challenge First?

Sure thing! Let's talk about what is going to happen during our 21 days together.

To start with, here are three things to know:

1 . As soon as you sign up, we start the challenge TODAY. πŸ”₯

You'll receive a "Welcome" email and a "Day 1" email as soon as you register so that you can get started right away. After today, you'll then receive one email per day for 21 days. The text lesson and action steps will be directly in the email. Don't worry there is nothing you need to do to prepare!

2. You can do this challenge with ANY skincare routine or products. πŸ€—

Throughout the challenge, I will share with you the routine and products that I’ve used during my personal journey to Skin LOVE over the past 2 years. It's a great way to try out some new products you haven't heard of before. But I also want you to know that you can use ANY products & routine that you like.

Start with what you’ve got. Add as you go if you want. More important than anything is going to be your consistent commitment to yourself, to the skin care routine that YOU pick, and to doing it on a daily basis.

We'll also be working on actively growing your self-belief. Your mental health has more of an impact on your inner and outer beauty than you may realize!

3. This challenge is not about having the "perfect skin" or living up to an unrealistic beauty standard. Rather, I designed this skin challenge to help you take care of your skin and yourself, in a way that lets your inner beauty radiate.

And in a way that allows you to have the BEST skin of your life, because you can finally say that it's one of your favorite features and you love your natural glow.

Yes, we will look at different skin concerns you may have, and we'll look at good ways to combat those specific issues with active ingredients and quality beauty products. But we'll also address:

  • the importance of getting your beauty sleep (yes, it's a REAL thing!) 😴

  • how good nutrition and moving your body directly affect your skin health πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ

  • and the amazing results and beautiful skin you can achieve when you take a holistic, well-rounded approach to healthy skin πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ

If you've made it this far, and you're resonating with what you're reading, I’d LOVE to have you in this challenge! My name is Summer. I'm a 39-year-old wife and mom to three kids (ages 10, 7, and 5) and a small business owner.

I started my personal SkinLOVE journey about 2 years ago. After struggling with cystic and hormonal acne most of my life and now entering an age where I'm noticing my wrinkles more and more, it feels AMAZING to say that despite all of those challenges, I can say that I truly LOVE my skin.

My hope is that this challenge can be the starting place for you to start your own SkinLOVE journey. πŸ’– It's all about taking baby steps toward your personal skincare goals.

Still Want a Few More Details about the Challenge? Ok, I'm got you

Here's a Complete List of our 21 Days of Skin Love Challenge Lessons:

(Commit to taking action each day and you're sure to see the best results for your unique skin!)

Day 1: your skincare commitment

Day 2: documenting your journey

Day 3: 3 unique "game-changing" products

Day 4: my SkinLove level

Day 5: understanding active ingredients

Day 6: the magic of collagen

Day 7: these crazy Frownies!

Day 8: the daily difference

Day 9: my minimal viable routine

Day 10: facial yoga

Day 11: hydration h2o!

Day 12: nourishing nutrients

Day 13; moving your body

Day 14: developing your quest

Day 15: getting your beauty sleep

Day 16: conscious facial movements

Day 17: big dreamin' & future-self visualization

Day 18: using makeup to enhance your beauty

Day 19: how to maintain & improve your successes

Day 20: loving your SkinLove results

Day 21: putting a bow on it

In addition to the 21 days of lessons, you'll receive a resource page with links to all of the recommended resources and products from throughout the challenge. and the opportunity to receive samples and free gifts!

Ready to do this? Come join me and let's make your skin glow!

Summer TannhauserComment