Hey! I'm Summer. Wife + Mama of 3. passionate entrepreneur.
More than Mom is a blog and community filled with women who are passionate about motherhood, as well as being driven to acheive their own goals and dreams.
Motherhood is a journey of balancing life as a Mom, while finding our own self again. It’s filled with incredible highs and the lowest of lows. We LOVE our kids, and the joyful, awe-inspiring moments that we wouldn’t miss for the world.
But we’re also filled with a passion to find ourselves again as women, and truly discover who we really are. What lights us up, what makes us tick, what inspires us, what brings us to tears, and what we are meant to do, be, and become in this extraordinary journey called life.
That’s why this community is here.
We’re a perfectly imperfect group of women that are celebrating the joy in motherhood, while also exploring our lives as more than “just” Mom. Maybe for you that means starting a business, or running a marathon, or simply taking care of YOURSELF for a change.
No matter your goals and desires ...
We invite you to join us on this journey of self-discovery and celebration with us. It’s time to feel joyful, supported, understood, and know that you are NOT alone as you actively pursue happiness in your motherhood, while also rediscovering yourself.
Motherhood is never easy. But it is more fun when we’re in this TOGETHER. <3
WHY “MORE THAN MOM”? What’s that all about?
Guess it’s time to get personal, huh? :) I reached my late-30’s and after being so focused on my “littles” for the early years of their lives (my kids are currently 10, 8, and 6), I had finally reached a season of my life, where I was ready for MORE.
Not more stuff. Or more things. Or more busy. I was ready to intentionally work towards creating a life that was MORE of what really mattered to me and my family. For me that looked like finally focusing in on those things that I said I’d get to “someday when I had time.” Like finally decorating our master bedroom how we wanted it to look, or starting a nightly affirmations practice with my daughter, or journaling more, or spending the time to do a skincare routine before bed.
I’d been in the “fog” of early motherhood, and I’d struggled to put time into figuring out what my dreams were and who I truly was (not the mom or the wife or the business owner… but ME, as my own person!).
I’d started to see the “smile lines” around my eyes, I’d found some gray hair popping, and the urgency to really focus on figuring out how I could make myself and my family the happiest and healthiest that we could be became a priority in my life.
To me “MORE THAN MOM” is the epitome of that dream. She’s the woman who takes care of herself, who lives naturally, who ages gracefully, who is caring, compassionate, ambitious and driven, and who is ultimately the woman I’m striving to be.
Who is the Mom behind this?
That’s me! Summer Tannhauser. Wife + Mama of 3. Passionate entrepreneur.
OK, Summer, I can relate! Tell me more?
Ok, sure! Current life finds me as a wife of 10+ years to the hubby, mom of 3 (ages 10, 8, and 6), doggie mom x2, and a life-long resident of the great state of Tennessee.
I was an elementary school teacher for 6 years before becoming a stay-at-home Mom when my oldest was born. My dream had already been to be a Mom, but I didn’t realize how strong the drive to have something of my own would become too!
For the last few years of teaching, I’d been building a pet care company as a side-hustle and by the time I stopped teaching to stay home with my daughter, it had become big enough to replay my teaching income. I had no formal business training, so I learned as I went!
As that business continued to grow (as I worked on it during early mornings and naptimes), I slowly transitioned into a true “CEO” style role, while it began a primarily employee-run company. Which gave me back my time to pursue my own passions, as well as welcoming more kids into our family. :)
It was when my second child was born, that I opened my online-based personal brand business. With my teaching background and business experience, I put my focus on my true passion … mentoring other women who aspired to become entrepreneurs and own their own lifestyle businesses, focused on monetizing their passions.
It was during these years of growing this business… creating educational online courses, hosting mastermind groups, and building an email list and audience of 10,000+ to serve aspiring women entrepreneurs… that I felt drawn to creating the More than Mom brand. I didn’t know what it was going to become, but I knew it had my heart.
And I was HOOKED on the idea of helping other women re-find their “thing” & passion in life.
As I started getting more intentional about my personal journey to re-find myself, and create the life I dreamed of for my family, I knew it was time to shift in my business.
When I thought about what it was that I wanted to be doing 20 years from now … what type of legacy I wanted to leave to my family … what impact I wanted to have on other women … I knew that this was my way forward.
And now I’m here. :)
COOL! So What’s your plan now?
So glad you asked. :) My mission is three-fold ….
To foster a community of ambitious moms who are chasing audacious dreams that they aren’t about to back down from.
To help fellow Moms that have lost their big dreamin’ self somewhere along the journey of motherhood to rediscover the YOU that is ready to chase those dreams that you’ve tucked away inside, AND put the action steps in place to make them happen. We do this through the More than Mom methodology.
To mentor and guide dedicated and driven women who have the desire to turn their own passions into an income-generating venture for their own families.
My fAVORITE ONLINe BUsiness model for newbies! :)
Currently I’m loving the Master Resell Rights “MRR” business model as the ultimate way for someone who has a desire to create an income online, to LEARN as you EARN. Nothing is more motivating, as when you know that what you’re learning is helping you to create an digital asset designed to help you earn a profit from it. I LOVE it!
If you’ve struggled in the past to “find your thing,” or tried a bunch of different side hustles and nothing has really “clicked,” I’d encourage you to take a look. MRR has re-ignited my own belief in and excitement about online business, especially because of it’s ability to allow people new to the online space to make this happen too!'